Space Probes: Class and Usage, Part 2

During the past 3 missions, you have used a variety of probes designed for planetary missions. However, this next mission involves the study of a gaseous anomaly in the Beta Tauri star system. As has been the case in the past, the Captain gives you the option of choosing which probe or probes to use. Access Part 1 for a refresher.

You make a quick check of your spec charts, confirming your initial choices, and yes, you wisely choose to launch a Class 1 probe for the very nearest areas and a Class 2 probe for a longer range scan, giving you a good size sample, every bit the distance from the Earth to the Moon at the most distant point of its orbit.

After the data has been gathered and sent down to Science for analysis, the Captain orders a probe sent to the Beta Tauri star itself. You confidently select a Class 4, Stellar Encounter Probe, knowing it’s sensor package will provide the mission with a wealth of data for the ever inquiring minds down in the lab.

Not long after the survey of the Beta Tauri star system, the ship’s subspace communications equipment suffers some technical issues. Being the ever alert bridge officer you are, you quickly suggested to the Captain the launch of a type 6 probe, confident that the probes robust 9,270 channel/350 megawatt transceiver could handle things until Engineering repaired the ships own comm equipment.And, indeed it did, earning you the Captain’s “nice job” comment and Engineering’s nod of approval.

The next week or so, things seemed to settle into more of a routine, that is, until you reported to the bridge, expecting a rather uneventful shift.

No sooner had you started your regular Level 5 Diagnostic, the Captain requests you join him in his ready room. You quickly comply, and, to you great relief, you haven’t goofed up…oh no, far from that..the Captain outlines a highly classified operation, involving sending an agent far into enemy territory.

Your task is to pull the sensor equipment from a Class 8 probe, and fit it with life support system. A very important task indeed, one that you, busy yourself with, knowing full well that a life and a mission depend on your work.

A few days into this mission, however, things get rough. Your ship is attacked by 3 battle cruisers, badly outgunning your vessel. As the situation becomes critical, the Captain orders the launch of a type 9 probe, loaded with the ships logs, set on a homing course to the nearest starbase…..