GFC Favorite Trek Series Competition

Lights go down over the sandbox, drums start rolling a rhythmic beat and we stand in front of the competition poster site where for the last month you’ve been able to vote for your favorite Trek series.

For the small fee of 10 Lindens, people have had the chance of propelling their favorite series to stardom, and wow was it a tight contest! In fact, it was tighter than a Shatner Trek movie uniform and only slightly less predictable than the life expectancy of a red shirt on an away mission!

Without further ado, the results are in and they are final. No mumbling, no quibbling, no blaming the Ferengi!
The GFC Favorite Trek Series Competition results are as follows.

Voyager = 13
The Next Generation = 12
The Original Series = 4
Enterprise = 4
DS9 = 3

Voyager won by a whisker, a hair breath. Yes, lost in space with a sexy Borg prevailed over all challengers. Go Figure!

Troi and Crusher in lycra couldn’t convince you, the banter between Kirk, Spock and McCoy just wasn’t enough…

Cramping a bunch of aliens in a space station at the edge of a wormhole wasn’t your cup of tea either!

Going back to where it all began with the first Enterprise just didn’t ring true as somehow from Enterprise to The Original Series, the computer technology took a dramatic dive for starships, as they went seriously retro. So retro, they may as well have been flying paper planes in comparison… But hey, Enterprise beat DS9, so 4 people were forgiven.

If your favorite series won, pat yourself on the back in the knowledge you have good taste. If it lost, then cry into any Trek memorabilia you may have lying around…

Until the next competition, live long and vote well!